

To The Expedition

Here you will find updates, tools for the journey, and portals of action.
Work in progress.

An Expedition

Ssussdriad is a living framework for communities to become self-sufficient, a blueprint for sovereignty and self-organization which can be replicated or adjusted according to a community's needs.

This plan introduces a strategy for community sense-making, for organizing around the many facets of our collapsing civilization, in order to collectively plan and build a free world.

Ssussdriad is a direct answer to the challenges we face moving forward, it's a plan for the rapid reorganization of this town to provide its own needs, from food and medicine, to education, energy, entertainment and defense. It will be owned and influenced by you and your neighbors, and can be replicated anywhere in the world.

It is blueprint for community liberation,
and I would love to test it out in Hanford California.

A Community-owned company of 4 modular business elements..

These elements are modular in that they function independently  of each other, and integrated because they cooperate through supply and waste streams, marketing and sales, branding, and purpose.
Bookstore & Restaurant

A School

Ssussdriad will be a school. This will range from an actual schoolhouse, likely on the farm, to satellites like the bookstore acting as accessory locations and home school resource centers.

In an environment guided by human psychodynamics, and how children learn, students will be free to play and self-direct their learning, and will grow up surrounded by adults who are actively working toward a better world.

Children will face real challenges, and take advantage of real opportunity.

Community Discussion Forums

The forums will be a place for community sense-making, where we will come together to assess the situation, and strategize for the future.

We will organize think tanks around the focus areas, brainstorm solutions, and prototype this project.

Neighborhoods participating in the Utopias Initiative will also have a secure place to organize themselves, as well as to network with the larger project.

I will be opening up these forums soon to a small number, who will help me test and structure, and set the tone. In time, these forums will be opened up to the community. 

& A Neighborhood Utopias Initiative

Simultaneous to the community organizing the larger project, Ssussdriad will help neighborhoods to organize themselves toward self-sufficiency, pooling resources and skills to work together to meet their needs.

One of nature's most effective strategies is experimentation and selection. As new strategies develop in the forums, neighborhoods who wish to experiment will do so, sharing their experience with other neighborhoods.

This will be a mechanism for the rapid transformation of our community toward self-organization, abundance, creativity, and resilience.

Ssussdriad and Finding Hanford will provide support, documentation, and networking for neighborhoods and groups working toward such ends.

This will start with networking in the forums, and expand into providing requested training, and eventually community-owned recreation facilities, like gokarts, paintball, laser tag, arcades, a bus and surfing equipment, the sky is the limit.

Ssussdriad will help neighborhoods to tell their story through our media outlets.

Explore the Maps

These are regularly updated with expanded descriptions and links.

Track the Odyssey


Shortly after launching the gofundme campaign, I fell off the face of the earth. And…
Read more

The Name

In the book, “Crystal Soldier” by Sharon Lee, and Steve Miller, we meet Jela. Jela…
Read more

Join the

Until the forums open, the Ssussdriad Telegram channel will be the primary conversation point.

It's here we will begin to collectively assess the global situation and strategize Hanford's actions moving forward.

Please familiarize yourself with nonviolent communication, and the Trivium. Links are in the Star Chart > Guidestones.

Act with dignity. We are creating the environment our children inherit. We are setting the tone for the future.

The Forums

The forums will be the online nucleus of this expedition.
Where we investigate our world, and have conversations that shape the future.
As Ssussdriad grows, so too will our capacity to launch these emergent ideas.

Within the forums we will brainstorm all aspects of this endeavor.


Matrix is an open source project that publishes the
Matrix open standard for secure, decentralised, real-time communication.
These forums aren't open yet. I still have some structuring to do, and will soon begin a closed beta testing, where some of you will help me to prototype the frameworks, and set a tone for communication.


Finding Hanford

Neighborhood Utopias

Where we'll organize around the various elements of this expedition.

Together we will explore the guidestones, and magic arts, refine our message, and conduct research and development around the active elements, as well as begin networking with other communities near and far.
A place for Hanford to organize around it's needs. Home of the investigation, and to discuss how we move forward.

Also a conduit for article submissions, podcast discussion, live conversation during gameshows. Surveys.

Organized around food, energy, education, economy, entertainment, governance, and more.
Neighborhoods will be provided with their own private groups within which to organize around their needs.

As new ideas and technologies are identified in the forums, neighborhoods can volunteer to test them out, bringing their experience back to the larger community for further discussion. Just like nature, we select for what works.

Ssussdriad will help these neighborhoods tell their story.

Explore the Maps

These are regularly updated with expanded descriptions and links.

Track the Odyssey


Shortly after launching the gofundme campaign, I fell off the face of the earth. And…
Read more

The Name

In the book, “Crystal Soldier” by Sharon Lee, and Steve Miller, we meet Jela. Jela…
Read more

Join the

Until the forums open, the Ssussdriad Telegram channel will be the primary conversation point.

It's here we will begin to collectively assess the global situation and strategize Hanford's actions moving forward.

Please familiarize yourself with nonviolent communication, and the Trivium. Links are in the Star Chart > Guidestones.

Act with dignity. We are creating the environment our children inherit. We are setting the tone for the future.

The Forums

The forums will be the online nucleus of this expedition.
Where we investigate our world, and have conversations that shape the future.
As Ssussdriad grows, so too will our capacity to launch these emergent ideas.

Within the forums we will brainstorm all aspects of this endeavor.


Matrix is an open source project that publishes the
Matrix open standard for secure, decentralised, real-time communication.
These forums aren't open yet. I still have some structuring to do, and will soon begin a closed beta testing, where some of you will help me to prototype the frameworks, and set a tone for communication.


Where we'll organize around the various elements of this expedition.

Together we will explore the guidestones, and magic arts, refine our message, and conduct research and development around the active elements, as well as begin networking with other communities near and far.

Finding Hanford

A place for Hanford to organize around it's needs. Home of the investigation, and to discuss how we move forward.

Also a conduit for article submissions, podcast discussion, live conversation during gameshows. Surveys.

Organized around food, energy, education, economy, entertainment, governance, and more.

Neighborhood Utopias

Neighborhoods will be provided with their own private groups within which to organize around their needs.

As new ideas and technologies are identified in the forums, neighborhoods can volunteer to test them out, bringing their experience back to the larger community for further discussion. Just like nature, we select for what works.

Ssussdriad will help these neighborhoods tell their story.

The Launch Fund.

I am raising money for this expedition through an Open Collective page, and associated GOFUNDME.

Finances will be transparent via Open Collective, and there will be frequent conversations regarding the allocation of funds. This is the launching mechanism for this expedition.


Prototyping the Plan
I am trying to raise $30,000 to get this project moving.

Finances will be transparent, and there will be frequent conversations with the community regarding the allocation of funds.

This is the fund for initializing this endeavor.

Rent on the building for 5 months
Turning on Electricity
help cleaning the insane amount of sheet-rock dust
Seed funding for some initial revenue generation.

Independent Media

In time this will be an aggregation of world news, and investigations from sources that pass through the scrutiny of the forums. In the meantime, here are three journalists that I follow closely.


The Paladins Map

An open-source interactive map of the earth where artists, musicians, and change-makers will upload their work. Where explorers will immerse themselves in the story of other communities.

When one explores our planet, regional art, wildlife, projects, and stories will be displayed.

Any web developers interested in tackling this, please reach out.

In the meantime, we will begin networking with projects around the world, and working toward the Revolution Televised reality show, a show highlighting change, built out of submissions from abroad.