
In defense of humanity, for all life on earth, endeavoring toward liberty and peace.


An expedition
into the heart of humanity,
and our potential.
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An expedition
into the heart of humanity,
and our potential,
our broken and
scattered past,
our profound
moment in time.
As we reach for a better world, each of us struggling to find peace within, we are combating nutritional, psychological and spiritual warfare carried out by the rich, informed by centuries of research into the physical, psychological, and spiritual inner parts of humanity. They control our education, news, food, medicine, economy, government, and entertainment.

That we still reach. That in spite of it all we find beauty, and bring joy to those around us. That we love..that we organize... we are awakening.

That's why they are trying so hard to convince us that we've already lost. But once we look beyond the controlled narratives, and rise above the fear, we see their penetration of governments, and capture of industry for what they are: the desperate acts of a small parasitic few who see their era of control coming to a close.
Ssussdriad is a living framework for communities to become self-sufficient, a blueprint for sovereignty and self-organization which can be replicated or adjusted according to a community's needs.

This plan introduces a strategy for community sense-making, for organizing around, and addressing the many facets of our collapsing civilization, in order to collectively plan and build a collaborative, equitable, joyful, and free world.

This plan also offers a mechanism for funding such an endeavor, while simultaneously stimulating the local economy and making it accessible to all.

Ssussdriad represents ideas worth cultivating, which will someday shade and protect us, a route to a wise and just humanity; the unceasing will of life to persist.

This is a plan for world peace. And it takes root in Hanford California. Thank you for shining your undefinable, mysterious, light of consciousness, your priceless attention, upon this dream.

From Hanford California
we will explore solutions.

Cognitive Defense
This plan offers solutions in the above areas,
a forum for organizing around them,
and a mechanism for funding
ideas as they emerge, with profits distributed to all.

...And that's just where we'll begin

We will simultaneously conduct an open source investigation into the systemic weaponization of the engineered world against man and earth.

As the world is cast in shadow
We will carry a light

We begin by re-discovering our past

Long before human settlements, we were hunter gatherers


We enjoyed kinship with each other, our planet, and the animals we hunted and consumed.

Our communication was verbal..
oh, we were masters of story.

We had few possessions, only what we could carry, and new technology spread rapidly,
because innovation was a gift to be shared with all,

and because that was one way to make it into the stories.

We knew everyone by name,

and removing only the poison darts from reach,
children learned through play.

We were calm



And Happy

And then our Mother Earth began to warm,
and like water, our structure changed.

We discovered we could cultivate the earth
and she would yield to us her bounty.

We began to settle,
and our populations grew.

Staying in one place,
we over-hunted and gathered our territories,
relying more and more on our cultivation,

demanding evermore from the earth.

Skills were gradually lost,
and our numbers outgrew our ability to keep all the names in our heads.

We fragmented.

Possessions and power began to pool where families could produce more,
which meant a lot less play for children.

It meant class divides,
and evermore novel conflicts.

The thing about power - Where it pools, it stays,
at least for a while,
because power can enact its will.
It has the resources to swallow up and wield new technologies,
or stomp them out.

And with the written word came the ability to rule from afar..

the Age of Empires

And though its names have changed,
it's what we've had ever since..
A ruling class
and everyone else
Kings and religion
have been replaced

with corporations,
think tanks,

and secret societies.
And it's gotten a bit out of hand.
This is Klaus Schwab

Director of the World Economic Forum, a globalist think tank getting a lot of attention lately, and deservedly so.

They are not the only powerful group working their will on the world, but they help paint a picture of the problem we face.

Klaus Schwab is on camera in 2017 bragging about how successful the WEF's Young Global Leaders program has been at penetrating the cabinets of governments around the world.

Some graduates of this program include:

Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Justin Trudeau, Gavin Newsom, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and a great many more.

Partnered with the WEF is nearly every major corporation you've ever heard of, reaching into every sector of our lives.

A small sample of this list:

Google, Facebook, TikTok, AT&T, Verizon, Amazon, Exxon Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, Apple, Coke, Pepsi, Walmart, and PG&E.
They are also partnered with Nasdaq, and the New York Stock Exchange, who recently announced NACs, an investment vehicle for the rich to own the processes of the natural world.
This is Larry Fink

-World Economic Forum board of trustees

CEO of Blackrock

which manages over $20 Trillion,
and is a top institutional investor in just about every corporation you've ever heard of.

He's also a member of GFANZ,
which represents over 43% of global banking assets,
and is leveraging that power
to force the United Nations' alleged
"Sustainable Development Goals"
upon the world.

Like much in today's world,
"sustainable development"
isn't what they say it is.
The World Economic Forum
advocates for a complete transformation
of the global financial system,
toward Central Bank Digital Currencies,
where every cent is tracked and traced
and tied together with our

digital identity,

and our ability to spend turned off
at the discretion of the banks.

They advocate for a "Fourth Industrial Revolution",
where everything is a smart device, and
we are all under constant surveillance.

They wrote an article about a future
where property rights are a thing of the past,
and our dreams are automatically recorded and analyzed.

Today they brag about breakthroughs in wearable technologies that can tell if you're happy or sad, what color you're thinking of, and even pin numbers.
In 2020, at the WEF's annual meeting at Davos, Yuval Noah Harari gave a speech called "how to survive the 21st century", where he predicts the creation of a "global useless class", and the rise of "digital dictatorships that would monitor everyone all the time".
"if you know enough biology, and you have enough computing power and data, you can hack my body, and my brain, and my life, and you can understand me better than I understand myself. You can know my personality type my political views, my sexual preferences, my mental weaknesses, my deepest fears and hopes... and you can do that not just to me, but to everyone...a system that understands us better than we understand ourselves can predict our feelings and decisions, can manipulate our feelings and decisions, and can ultimately make decisions for us..."
""...we humans should get used to the idea
that we are no longer mysterious souls,
we are now hack-able animals."
...This group brags about penetrating our governments,
and guides the corporations that control every sector of our lives.
The ruling class has been building a prison
And they've been at it for a while

A long while

This may be a good time to take a deep breath in through the nose, with a long, slow exhale out the mouth.
Remind yourself that you're safe. Wiggle your nose, and cheeks. Stretch a bit.

Take another deep breath, and let it out in a sigh.

The ruling class uses fear to control us.
So we learn to regulate our nervous systems.
They hide our history from us.
So we discover it for ourselves.
They use media.
So we create our own, and become masters of story.
They have all the money.
So we generate true wealth.
They control the food.
So we grow our own,
become experts in soil,
and rediscover our health,
and our earth.

We rise to the challenge.
We adapt.
And in doing so,
we find out what we're capable of.

This is adventure.
Fortunately, we can look to the earth for guidance out
of this centuries-old trap.

In fact,
I'll argue we're nearly out already.

In his Foundation Stone Lectures,
Dr. Robert Gilman
makes a compelling case for the current transition from the
Empire Era
into the Planetary Era,
characterized by diversity,
true efficiency,
and abundance.
Ecosystems have a journey between dirt and old-growth forest,
and if we turn our attention to that story
we find  parallels,
we find guidance,

and affirmation.

Early ecosystem development is characterized by it's pioneer species,
by low diversity,
by isolation,
and domination.

At this stage of development, ecosystems are less resilient to change,
less efficient and productive,
but they pave the way for later succession species.

They do this by breaking up compacted soils,
accumulating minerals
and bringing them to the surface,
and making strides in their ability to take sunlight,
carbon, water and minerals,
and manufacture more and more complex sugars to send into the soil,
cultivating increasingly complex biological populations in their root zones.

This journey in an ecosystem's development is necessary, and creates the environment for
late succession species to take over.
Usually because the resource-heavy
pioneers overshoot their available resources
resulting in a setback,
where nature selects for species
who collaborate.
It's here we find old growth forest,

which catches and stores energy,

and transforms disturbance into life.

Earth's old growth forests
are diverse,
and abundant.
Welcome to
The Planetary Era


Frameworks for understanding, which help to elucidate the elements and relationships designed into this expedition.

Patterning After Nature

Every breath ever breathed, idea imagined, first step taken, owes itself to the processes of this planet, to the dynamic and diverse range of behaviors and relationships that make up life on earth.

Written into the soil, the forest creek, and the human body, are patterns that represent billions of years of accumulated wisdom. If we take the time to learn from our greatest teacher, we can apply these patterns to our own lives, resulting in more creative, resilient, and self-sufficient homes, neighborhoods, businesses, communities and, someday, society.


  1. Earth Care

  2. People Care

  3. Fair Share

  1. Observe and interact

  2. Catch and store energy

  3. Obtain a yield

  4. Apply self-regulation & accept feedback

  5. Use & value renewable resources & services

  6. Produce no waste

  7. Design from patterns to details

  8. Integrate rather than segregate

  9. use small and slow solutions

  10. Use and value diversity

  11. use edges & value the marginal

  12. Creatively use and respond to change

The Biology of Corporate Survival

According to research carried out by Boston Consultancy Group, the world's most successful and resilient corporations share several traits with nature.

Variety in nature means more ways in which energy is used before it leaves the system. Diversity among elements and their connections buffers against environmental shocks, and is the reservoir for adaptation.

Systems pull from their reservoir of diversity to adjust and creatively respond to change.

Though there is overall interconnectedness in nature, everywhere there are subsystems and functional groups. Modularity slows the spread of shocks between components, making the overall system more resilient.

Elements in nature play overlapping roles, each fulfilling multiple needs, and each need being met by multiple elements. This means when one element fails, another can replace it.

Nature is constantly changing. As species A evolves, so too do the organisms they feed on (species B), causing a need for further adaptation by species A. These adaptations in both species influence the larger system, and resulting changes in the larger system prompt further adaptation by species A and B. This process repeats in perpetuity.

It's through feedback loops that systems detect environmental changes, and select for adaptation.

From the root zone of a single plant to the forest at large, ecosystems big and small are nested in their larger environment, allowing for evolution through interaction, emergence, and feedback.

How Change Happens

A recipe for revolution.

The tendency for people to misrepresent their opinions, believing their peers wouldn't agree.

Some people require no support at all before they will say what they think or join a movement, some need to see at least one other person acting before they will join, some two, some three, and on into infinity.

The tendency for a group of like-minded individuals to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclination of its members.

Professor Cass Sunstein argues that social cascades throughout history have had the following three social phenomena in common.

Magic Arts

I define magic as
the art of combining knowledge,
and ability
to move the world.
The following is a sampling
of the tools we'll leverage
in support of a new age.


Community Capital

This was the plan for the initial funding mechanism, but it turns out it costs $35k to launch a Direct Public Offering.. So this particular goalpost will come after successful protyping.

Ssussdriad will then be opened up to the people of Hanford through a community capital raise, giving locals the opportunity to invest, own shares, see returns.

This will open the economy up to any who wish to participate, and instead of profits leaving town for the Vanguards and Blackrocks of the world, revenue will stay local, and raise the tide for all.

This expedition will chart a path for many more community-owned businesses to come, leading to an enduring and strong local economy.

Cooperative Governance

Authority will be distributed; sociocracy

As this project develops, and teams are formed, we will practice with distributed governance, until eventually no single person will be in charge of this company. Instead, authority will be distributed, and personal autonomy respected.

Leadership will flux with the necessities of circumstance, the demands of the moment, naturally arising through action, display of wisdom and reason, compassion, and vision.


NVC helps us connect with each other and ourselves in a way that allows our natural compassion to flourish. It guides us to reframe the way we express ourselves and listen to others by focusing our consciousness on four areas: what we are observing, feeling, and needing, and what we are requesting to enrich our lives.
NVC fosters deep listening, respect, and empathy and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart


Just as the forest is a dynamic, living song of change and response, individuals and groups, patterns, choices, and relationships, so too will Ssussdriad be the song of community. 

Involvement and participation by the people will determine our tempo of achievement, our tone of action, our verse in history.

Vectors of influence

Built into this plan are many ways for our community to influence the direction of the Ssussdriad expedition. 

We will post frequent surveys, interview community members, facilitate the organizing around relevant topics, as well as host in-person meetings around our focus areas.

Open Source

Transparent, replicable

The details of our expedition and our tools will be made freely available to the world.

We'll collaborate with communities near and far to better envision and reach for a free world.

Feedback Loops

We will leverage human experience, common sense, community discussion, and machine learning to analyze feedback loops to rapidly asses and adapt to change.

This will include community surveys, sales data, viral metrics of digital productions, and measuring progress toward community goals.

Feedback loops will be built into our internal operational structure, as well. Privacy will always be respected.


A well told story can break a lifetime of indoctrination, dispersing the fog of confusion. It can ignite passions. 

We will study the craft, and hone our skills in the ancient art of story. Drawing on wisdom of centuries of master story-tellers, we will wield this art with care, distilling the complex, and awakening within our audience the fires of their potential.

A Community-owned company of 4 modular business elements..

These elements are modular in that they function independently  of each other, and integrated because they cooperate through supply and waste streams, marketing and sales channels, branding, and purpose.
Bookstore & Restaurant

A school

Ssussdriad will be a school. This will range from an actual schoolhouse, likely on the farm, to satellites like the bookstore acting as accessory locations and home school resource centers.

In an environment guided by human psychodynamics, and the psychology of how children learn, students will be free to play and self-direct their learning, and will grow up surrounded by adults who are actively working toward a better world.

Children will face real challenges, and take advantage of real opportunity.

A Neighborhood Utopias Initiative

Simultaneous to the community organizing the larger project, Ssussdriad will help neighborhoods to organize themselves toward self-sufficiency, pooling resources and skills to work together to meet their needs.

One of nature's most effective strategies is experimentation and selection. As new strategies develop in the forums, neighborhoods who wish to experiment will do so, sharing their experience with other neighborhoods.

This will be a mechanism for the rapid transformation of our community toward self-organization, abundance, creativity, and resilience.

Ssussdriad and Finding Hanford will provide support, documentation, and networking for neighborhoods and groups working toward such ends.

This will start with networking in the forums, and expand into providing requested training, and eventually community-owned recreation facilities, like gokarts, paintball, laser tag, arcades, a bus and surfing equipment, the sky is the limit.

Ssussdriad will help neighborhoods to tell their story through our media outlets.

And Community Discussion Forums

The forums will be a place for community sense-making, where we will come together to assess the situation, and strategize for the future.

We will organize think tanks around the focus areas, brainstorm solutions, and prototype this project.

Neighborhoods participating in the Utopias Initiative will also have a secure place to organize themselves, as well as to network with the larger project.

I will be opening up these forums soon to a small number, who will help me test and structure, and set the tone. In time, these forums will be opened up to the community. 

A Regenerative Farm

Guided by the principles of permaculture, and syntropic agroforestry, we will align with the earth's processes to nurture dynamic and healthy ecosystems, resulting in delicious and nutrient-rich foods for our community.

The Soil Food Web

A whole world of microorganisms exists beneath our feet, and its behaviors and relationships are the foundation of life on earth. All of earth's kingdoms evolved through this complex web of interactions, and our plants', our animals', and our own well-being depend on this web of life within the soil.

Pests and Disease

By aligning our management practices with this complex web of relationships, and leveraging knowledge of plant life cycles and nutritional needs, we can achieve complete pest and disease resistance without any pesticides.

Instead, we'll use proven management practices to support the biological processes happening within the plant and around its roots.

We do not need to re-invent the wheel. These markers of plant health are being achieved all over the world.

Compost & Tea

A properly managed compost pile hosts a dynamic and healthy food web of its own. By applying biocomplete compost and teas we help our farm ecosystems to achieve balance.

We will hone our composting skills on our own farm, and then offer compost services to our community.


We are at a frontier in soil science, with new discoveries being made all the time (ex. Rhyzophage).

The R-Soils Database is a project by Matt Powers. An open-source planetary soil database and community, where soil scientists and home gardeners alike will chart the mysteries of the soil.

This database will accept tests like soil respiration, brix, plant sap analysis, microscope images, and even dna sequencing. It will also utilize machine learning to assist in microbial identification and counting and, I'm sure, much more.

Ssussdriad will be a frequent participant in this community.

Revenue Generation

Current Harvests

Chicken eggs
Chicken meat
Worm Castings



Sales Channels

Restaurant and Market

Our main sales channel will be our restaurant and market in downtown Hanford. We will supply our downtown storefront with fresh ingredients daily.

Farmers Markets

Ssussdriad is currently a member of the Visalia Farmers Market Association. We will join more markets as we grow.

We will participate in the forthcoming online marketplace, allowing locals to purchase produce baskets which can be picked up at one of a few locations.

The Barn

School room, workshop, soil lab.

If I can convince the old man, the barn loft will serve as both a school room and soil lab until a larger building is found or constructed. Downstairs will be shop space.

I'm also working on another nearby location which I will reveal if it works out.

301 North Douty St.

A Bookstore and Restaurant

Ssussdriad Books will be the expedition's home in Downtown Hanford, providing a safe and dynamic environment for families. Where grabbing a bite, or a brew, catching a show, or joining a club directly energizes community strategy.

A Refuge From The Storm.

A Place From Which To Build.

And To Party.

301 North Douty

Some remember their first margarita at the Cantina, others pinball at Poor Richard's Pizza. Older residents may have bought their first BB gun from Moe's Toy Shop as kids. Even earlier it was Justensens Market, where brazil nuts were 59 cents a pound.

Today's kids will remember it as Ssussdriad's home in downtown Hanford, where we will explore and honor its past, and cultivate its future.


Books are cool, and I have 30 thousand of them ready to fill the shelves.


Farm fresh buffet and meal-prep

Ssussdriad will serve buffet-style meals, made with farm-fresh ingredients, some of which we'll grow ourselves, and some we'll source from local regenerative farms.

We will partner with local chefs and culinary programs to regularly host guest chefs from near and far, keeping our daily meals new, creative, healthy, and unique.

The bulk nature of our meals will allow Ssussdriad to also offer meal-prep services, helping the busy folks of Hanford find the best food for their families.


Ssussdriad will serve as a year-round produce market, giving local regenerative farms a place to sell their crops, and giving Hanford folk a dynamic and comfortable environment to buy raw ingredients for making magic in the kitchen.

Like with our own farm, we will have a standard of health for the crops and soil from the farms we partner with.

Visitors Center

Ssussdriad will be an unofficial visitor's center, providing business directories, walking maps and, eventually, tours of downtown and its rich history.


Music, lectures, interviews, news-casts, comedy, plays, workshops, film, cooking classes, talent, shows, bingo, speed dating, karaoke, trivia, rap battles, mystery dinners, and whatever else this community, comes up with.

And what I'm particularly excited about.. Gameshows.

All these and more can be live streamed. More on that with Finding Hanford.

Closing Loops

Nature doesn't have waste, and someday, humanity won't either.. in the meantime, we will do everything we can to minimize ours. Our restaurant leftovers, for example, will return to the farm as either animal feed, or compost.


Ssussdriad books will be a satellite  for our microschool, as well as a homeschool resource center.

Finding Hanford

The bookstore will be a home base to the digital efforts of Finding Hanford. More on that soon.

The floorplan

A rough draft.

Finding Hanford

A Fun And Easy Way To Support Local Businesses, While Staying Informed About Community News, Events, and Entertainment.

Shop Small

Shopping small supports the local economy. More of every dollar stays in local circulation, paying employees, supporting other businesses, bolstering sports teams, and local charities.

When we shop with big corporations, most of that money exits our community, and grows the massive fortunes of the very people working against mankind.


For Shoppers

A simple, fun way to support local shops from the comfort of home., will make it fun to search, filter, purchase, and review the goods small town Hanford has to offer.

For Businesses

A hassle-free way to sell your products online, keep track of and interpret sales data, and engage with our community.

As we grow, so too will the functionality we can offer.

For Creatives

Local artists, and crafters will also be able to sell their work, and musicians can offer bookings.

Community Calendar

Community-organizers will be able to submit their events, so you'll never find out about an event too late again.

You'll also be able to easily subscribe to the calendar feed, so you can toggle Hanford's events in your personal calendar app.

Functionality will also include ticket sales.


Community-Sourced / Local

Covering local news, politics, upcoming events, and more.

We will draw on the power of crowd-sourcing to inform our coverage. We will achieve this through the discussion forums, and a 24/7 tip line.

Through the forums we will design a plan for paying contributors.


Finding Hanford

A podcast examining Hanford's past, and present, and scouting its future. This too will be influenced by the discussion forums.

I for one see hotpads at the airport, and trips to the moon.

we will interview those with experience in areas relevant to Hanford's journey, such as nutrition, education, philosophy, soil science, consciousness.

Our Open Collective page will have a podcast budget where we will split tips with our weekly guests, allowing us to attract individuals otherwise un-approachable.


Celebrating Hanford Culture. Telling Our Story.

Our town has a rich history, a growing culture, and a lot to celebrate. So we'll do just that with intimate interviews and explorations of the businesses, their owners, our musicians and artists, our politicians, our people.

Together we'll discover who we are, and who we can be.

Discussion Forums

Community Sense-Making

The Finding Hanford website will be one of the conduits to the forums, a place for locals to come together and organize around the focus areas mentioned earlier, like education, energy, and our local economy.

Together we will chart a path forward.

The forums will also be a place to submit news tips, and blog posts. Community engagement will inform our podcast, blog posts, and the larger expedition.


More Community Sense-Making

We human beings have a tendency to falsify our preferences. We do this, in part, because we make assumptions about majority opinion, and keep our own to ourselves in order to avoid judgement.

However, when these assumptions are corrected, and results made transparent, the revelation of hidden common agreement can be a powerful tool for growth.

We will use anonymous surveys as a tool for community reflection, sparking conversation, and gaining insight into the opinions and hopes within our hearts.

These surveys will also be informed by community discussion in the forums.


Art Hop

Downtown's monthly Art Hop will return in-person, and as a multi-camera live stream. With pre-recorded interviews with artists, musicians, and shop owners, we'll show real people, with real stories.
Whether you make it out to #HopHanford, or tune in from home, you'll have fun.

Game Shows

We'll frequently host and live stream game shows from the bookstore. Come in for a bite on game show night, and have the chance to participate in a game on stage.

Some games will be filled in advance so we can record interviews with participants, enabling us to create a dynamic and engaging viewing experience for those watching from home, and fun and unique memories for those on stage.

Revolution Televised

Documenting the expedition, and helping neighborhoods to tell their story. We will accept updates from projects all over the world, as well, eventually creating a reality show based partly on submissions.

Home Shopping

Because why not? Sounds fun to me.


The dynamic nature of this expedition and our bookstore will provide more opportunity for engaging live streams, like live concerts, lectures, pitch events.

We will start out with just a few regular shows..

..But with community support, and practice, our skills will grow, as will our budget.. Then comes film, and television.

Native Advertising

A natural, and transparent form of advertising, where paid adverts are molded to fit the style of the content they're placed in. Native Ads outperform traditional advertising on may metrics.

We will blend marketing with narrative, and explore the people behind the brands.

Some examples of how this may look are game show prizes, interviews with Art Hop locations, blogs showing how a given shop got started in Hanford.

We will offer both free and paid advertising to local business, exploring who they are, not ust what they sell.


Ssussdriad  is  a  sapling ,  in  need  of  tending  and  protection. 

It  represents  the  ideas  that  promise a better  path  for  mankind.  In  time,  these  ideas  will  grow  large,  their  roots  reaching deep within the earth,  their  canopy  guarding  a  world  at  peace.

Some  aspects of this dream will be  introduced  right  away,  and  some  will  come  later,  after  Hanford  is  well  on  its  way  to  self-sufficiency,  and  self-determination.

Track the Adventure

The Ssussdriad website will track the milestones of the Ssussdriad Expedition, and tell our story as Hanford finds its potential.


Planetary  News

Starting  with  aggregation,  evolving  into  our  own  news  gathering.


A  podcast  exploring  the  polycrisis,  and  humanity's  emerging  response.


Using  the  visual  medium  to  open  doors  in  the  minds  of  soon-to-be  revolutionaries.

Revolution  Televised

A  reality  show  following  the  Ssussdriad  Epedition,  eventually  evolving  to  follow  other  projects  of  note  abroad.

Planetary Forum

A  forum  for  communities  and  change-makers  to  come  together,  and  collaborate  toward  a  free  world.


Sharing tools

The whole project will be a school, where kids are free to learn through play, and get involved wherever they wish.

They'll grow up in community that's actively reaching for a better world, and better understanding with each other.

These kids will find their passions, and realize their potential.

We will also work with change-makers around the world to develop an aggregation of resources relevant to an evolving world, making our tools available to the world.

Paladin's  Map

An open-source interactive map of the earth where artists, musicians, and change-makers will upload their work. Where explorers will immerse themselves in the story  of  other  communities. 

When  one  explores  our  planet,  regional  art, wildlife,  projects,  and  stories  will  be  displayed.

Flaran Cha'Menthi

"I Dare!"

....We dare because we must, for who else will dare for us?